Project Title: EUSAIR 4 Youth 

Type of action: European Commission action grant  

Budget: 79.998,55 ₮ 

Duration: 9 months 


Coordinator: Municipality of Durress 

Partner: Association of the Adriatic-Ionian Universities (UniAdrion) 

Partner: Forum of the Adriatic-Ionian Cities (FAIC) 


General objectives:  

The project main objective is to reinforce the sense of Adriatic-Ionian Community thanks to the empowerment of cities, youth, universities and organizations from EUSAIR countries. The project EUSAIR 4 Youth originates from the need of stimulating the participation of youngs in EU activities by developing their understanding and awareness of the EU policy making process, with a specific focus on the European Union Strategy for Adriatic and Ionian Region (EUSAIR). Through the project, the young people of the Region will have the opportunity to meet during a sport competition, to express their recommendations to policy makers and to make their voice heard on what needs to change to tackle the challenges of their future. Their involvement and contribution as the main drivers of the society, is the main objective of this project. The youngs ambassadors through the project will strengthen the cultural understanding, social cohesion, dialogue, social inclusion, awareness of EU policy making process and interregional cooperation. 


Specific objectives:  

  • Strengthening the role played by Sport in social inclusion and cohesion within the Adriatic Ionian Region through the organization of a sport event for young people coming from EUSAIR countries 
  • Strengthening the role played by youth in shaping the future of the Adriatic Ionian Region through the organization of an open competitions among group of students from different EU and Western Balkan universities. 


Action 1: EUSAIR, inclusion through sport 

This action capitalises on the Adriatic Ionian Games for Social Inclusion sport event that took place in September 2019 in Ancona, organized by the Municipality of Ancona with support of FAIC and financed by the ERASMUS+ Programme. This action aims at raising awareness among the young generations about the added values of the EUSAIR and at reinforcing the sense of Adriatic-Ionian Community through the organization of a sport event for young people. In order to achieve the objective, a power of sport will be used as tool to reinforce the spirit of cohesion and sense of community and belonging to Adriatic Ionian region among youth. Furthermore, the event will be aimed to promote peace, tolerance and understanding, for development of solidarity and improvement of social cohesion.  


Action 2: Student EUSAIR paper competition 2022 

Action 2.1: Online intensive training course on “EUSAIR and EU opportunities”.  

The training course focused on international mobility and volunteering for young people. Each lesson has been an “information capsules” on the “New Europe: Eastern and South-Eastern Europe”, on the efforts made by Adriatic-Ionian Initiative, a focus on the three FORA of the civil society, main stakeholders of the EUSAIR. 

Action 2.2: “EUSAIR academic young’s contest: How the young people can (better) contribute to EUSAIR?” 

The “EUSAIR ACADEMY YOUTH CONTEST” is aimed to involve and stimulate the participation of undergraduate, graduate and postgraduate students in EU activities by developing their understanding and awareness of the EU policy making process, with a specific focus on EUSAIR.  

Action 2.3: Brussels’ week 

The works received will be selected for the 10 best ideas and the winners will receive a money prize. Furthermore, they will be invited to spend and a week at the European Institutions and on the 20th European Week of Regions and Cities, 10-14 October 2022, in Brussels, fully covered by the project. During their stay, they will produce a video to tell their experience in Brussels, that will be presented during the Final Conference in Tirana at the Agricultural University of Tirana. 



The expected results of EUSAIR 4 Youth:  

  • Raise the awareness of the young people on EUSAIR and EU opportunities 
  • Strengthen the vertical and horizontal cooperation among young people and EUSAIR and EU key implementers and policy makers 
  • Gather young people and give them the opportunity to actively participate in the EU policy making process of the EUSAIR 
  • Strengthen cooperation to achieve an equal territorial cohesion 
  • Social inclusion – International dialogue 


The expected results on the ACTION 1 are:  

  • improvement ofsport cooperation on the principle of ‘sport for all’ based on equal opportunities among EUSAIR countries 
  • increased participation in sport of youngsters, people with disabilities and disadvantaged groups 
  • encourage young people to get involved in outdoor sports activities 
  • increased socialization among young people 
  • promotion of equality between women and men in sport and activation of measures against gender stereotyping 
  • enhancement of voluntary activities in sport and improvement of volunteers’ skills and competences necessary for employability and cohesion 
  • strengthening the sense of belonging to an unique common social and sport Adriatic-Ionian and European Community on the participants to the Youth Games  
  • promote women’s access to sport and to leadership and decision-making positions in sport among the participants to sport event  
  • provide skills and competences necessary for employability and cohesion toward the volunteers involved in the organization of the Youth Games and raise awareness on the importance of voluntary activities in sport among the participants to the Youth Games 
  • increased awareness on the social dimension of sport as inclusive tool to get over social, cultural, physical barriers in the participants to the Youth Games 
  • improving the skills development of trainers, sport operators and school staff participating to the Youth Games 
  • increased awareness of the importance of health-enhancing physical activities rising the overall participation in sport among the participants 


The expected results on the ACTION 2:  


  • Products of the contest 
  • Studies winners 
  • Video Brussels’ experience 
  • Documents shared during the training course 
  • Dissemination and communication strategies based on social networks (Likes, repost,…) 
  • Final Conference  


  • Raise the awareness ofthe young people on EUSAIR and EU opportunities 
  • Strengthen the vertical and horizontal cooperation among young people and EUSAIR and EU key implementers and policy makers 
  • Create a “EUSAIR4Y0UTH community of youngs” to give them the opportunity to actively participate in the EU policy making process ofthe EUSAIR 
  • Strengthen cooperation to achieve an equal territorial cohesion;  
  • Social inclusion International dialogue