ACADEMIC YEAR 2020/2021 Undergraduate (Bachelor degree) study programmes–Â Bioinformatics, academic (UP FAMNIT)–Â Computer Science, academic (UP FAMNIT)–Â Mathematics,...
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ACADEMIC YEAR 2020/2021 Undergraduate (Bachelor degree) study programmes–Â Bioinformatics, academic (UP FAMNIT)–Â Computer Science, academic (UP FAMNIT)–Â Mathematics,...
FACULTY OF HUMANITIES(UP FHŠ) Anthropology (3 years)Archaeology (3 years)Geography (3 years)History of Europe and the Mediterranean (3 years)Language and Interculturality (3...
FACULTY OF HUMANITIES(UP FHÅ ) Archaeological Heritage of the Mediterranean (2 years)Communication and the Media (2 years)Cultural Studies and Anthropology (2...
FACULTY OF HUMANITIES (UP FHÅ ) Geography (academic / 3 years) History (academic / 3 years) Italian Studies (academic / 4 years) Communication and the Media (academic...
Field of expertise: wildlife monitoring, ecology, management, conservation, citizen science Project description: The University of Primorska is coordinating institution of a Horizon...