The âFacility Point project – Supporting the Governance of the EUSAIRâ refers to the activities of the existing Agreement between the Marche Region (Italian Project Partner) and the Marche Chamber of Commerce with the involvement of the three Fora: UniAdrion (Association of the Adriatic and Ionian Universities) Forum AIC (Forum of the Adriatic and Ionian Chambers of Commerce), FAIC (Forum of the Adriatic and Ionian Cities).
Before the COVID pandemic, UniAdrion in collaborations with the other two FORA should have organized meetings in each EUSAIR country to gather FORA members and contribute to the consultation for the new EU programming period.
During the COVID pandemic, the activities have been remodeled and the UniAdrion Research Database was developed by integrating the data of the other two FORA. The results have been analyzed and experts were involved in the consultation process of the new European Territorial Cooperation Programmes 2021-2027.
The database of the projects referring to the INTERREG Programmes of the period 2014-2020 is a useful tool to extract information about experts and expertise on different topics, mainly connected with the 4 pillars of the EUSAIR strategy.
Several activities have already been carried out with the goal of contributing to the consultation and the results have been collected in a âPosition Paperâ which will be handed over to the managing authorities of several EU programmes. As part of these activities, a survey has been produced with the main objective of collecting the valuable opinions of experts who:
– have actively participated in any funded projects in the framework of INTERREG programmes in the period 2014-2020, either as lead partner or as project partner
– have submitted projects in the framework of INTERREG programmes in the period 2014-2020, but didn’t receive any funding
– have not submitted any projects in the framework of INTERREG programmes in the period 2014-2020
The first part of the survey is aimed at collecting opinions and insights on the past programming period 2014-2020.
The second part of the survey is addressed to the policy objectives of the EU cohesion policy for the next programming period 2021-2027.
Finally, the third part of the survey is focused on the EUSAIR pillars and the key priorities identified by EUSAIR Governance (Flagships) to be embedded into the IPA/ESIF programming documents.